Saturday, November 1, 2008


\(O)/ 2006 Georgiann Eikenbary

Use for appliqués or make it in yarn for a coaster etc.

Sm amount of sz 10 crochet thread makes a 1 ½” star measuring from one point across to side

Stainless hook sz 8(For smaller star use sz 30 thread with sz 14 hook for a 1” star,

sz 20 thread with sz 12 hook for a 1 ¼” star.)

Rnd 1: Ch 4, join, ch 3, 9 dc in ring, join with sl st to beg ch 3

Rnd 2: ch 1, sc in same st as joining, *ch 4, sk one st, sc in next, repeat from * around, end with ch 4, sl st in beg sc

Rnd 3: ch 1, *2 sc in ch-4 sp, hdc, dc, tr, dtr, ch 3, sl st in top of dtr, (picot made), tr, dc, hdc, 2 sc all in same sp, sl st in sc, repeat from * around , join with sl st in beg ch 1, ch 1, fasten off


Sz 30 crochet thread - small amount

Stainless steel hook sz 14

Make a 2” tassel by wrapping the thread around a 2” wide piece of cardboard,

cut thread on one side, and after making the bookmark following the instructions for Oh Little Star , ch 100, but do not fasten off, then center tassel strands over end of this chain, and working over the tassel sl st to approximately the 5th ch from hook to secure tassel, ch 1, leave a 2” tail and fasten off.

Use a double strand of thread to tie around the top of the tassel long enough for the ends to be 2”, pull all of the 2” tails down through center of tassel, evenly trim ends of tassel.


Follow instructions for Oh Little Star for first motif.

On the next motif, instead of making the second picot and after ch 3, sl st into any picot on first motif, and then finish second motif. Join third motif to second motif in the same way, but skipping one picot . (This leaves one picot un-worked between the motifs at the top and two picots un-worked on the bottom of the motifs.)

When the lace is as long as you want or need for your project, attach thread to first upper un-worked picot on the motif to your left,

Row 1: ch 1, sc in same st, *ch 12, sc in upper un-worked picot on next motif, repeat from * across, ending with sc in last picot, end with ch 12 and join to beg sc if putting lace on something like a sleeve or bottom of a blouse etc.

Row 2: ch 1, turn if making a piece of straight lace for top edge of a pillow case etc. (if making lace to attach to a sleeve etc. do not turn) *sc in sc, 14 sc over ch-12, repeat from * across, ending with sc in last sc for straight lace or ending with sl st in beg sc for other lace to be used on a sleeve etc.

OPTION: If needing a wider section for sewing on, make another row of sc across work. Pin lace in place on item you’re making and sew over the sc’s.

Sparkling 'Quilled' Snowflake in Crochet\(O)/ Dec. 2007 Georgiann Eikenbary
1 - 100 yd ball of Sz 10 Knit Cro-Sheen crochet thread in gold with gold metallic thread or white with silver or gold
Size 6 stainless steel hook
Snowflake is 9” in diameter
Rnd 1: ch 6, join with sl st to beg ch, ch 1, 2 sc in same st as joining and in ea st around, join with sl st to beg sc
Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st as joining, *sl st in next st, ch 19, sl st in same st, sc in next st, repeat from around, join with sl st to beg sc
Rnd 3: ch 1, sc in same st as joining, *19 sc in ch-18-loop, sc in sc, repeat from * around, join with sl st to beg sc
Rnd 4: ch 1, sc in same st as joining, *ch 6, sk 6 sc’s, sc in next sc, repeat from * around, end with ch 6 and sl st in beg sc
Rnd 5: sl st in next 6 ch’s, sl st in next 3 sc’s, *ch 18, sl st into same st, sc in next st, sl st in next st, ch 18, sl st into same st, sl st in next 2 sc’s, ch 12, sk ch-6sp, sk sc, sk ch-6 sp, sl st in next 3 sc’s, and repeat from * in pattern around, join with sl st in sl st
Rnd 6: sl st in next st, ch 1, *13 sc in ch-18 lp, ch 3, sl st in front 2 strands of last sc made (picot made), 12 sc in same lp, sl st in sc, ch 27, sl st in 19th ch from hook (will be the 9th ch made), ch 9, sl st in same sc, (double loop made), turn work to wrong side, 12 sc in first loop, 13 sc in top lp, picot, 12 sc in same lp, 12 sc in next lp, turn work back to right side, 13 sc in next ch-18 lp, picot, 12 sc in same lp, sl st in next 2 sl st’s, (3 sc over ch-12 sp, picot) four times, 3 sc over same ch-12 sp, sl st in next 2 sl st’s, repeat from * around, end with sl st in next st, ch 1, fasten off.
Starch and pin out to dry shaping areas as you pin it out.